Worthy sailor...

Come! Possess these shores with me.
The wind and seas are troublesome, And here we may be free.

Odysseus couldn't resist...

Circe warned him against the Sirens he would encounter. She even counsels Odysseus and his crew on how to navigate past the sirens' song safely.

But Odysseus, cunning and clever, devises a plan. He orders his men to plug their ears with wax so they won’t hear the Sirens’ song, but he, curious about the experience, has himself tied to the ship’s mast. Unable to steer the ship, Odysseus hears the Sirens' beautiful voices. The Sirens promise him knowledge and glory, but he is powerless to act on the temptation. His crew, unaffected by the song, safely sails past the danger.

There is no need to restrain yourself here. I don't want to harm you. I don't want to keep you.

I only want to distract you for a moment. Will you brave the depths of my desire and depravity?

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